1953 - Armi Kuusela, Miss Universe 1952, gives up her title to get married shortly before completing her reign. No formal replacement is made.
1954 - Ellen Whitehead, 1st Runner-Up to Miss USA 1954, is disqualified after it is revealed that she is only 16.
1957 - Mary Leona Gage, Miss USA 1957, is dethroned after it is revealed that she is married and a mother of two. Charlotte Sheffield, 1st Runner-Up to Miss USA 1957, is crowned Miss USA 1957.
1967 - After Miss USA 1967 wins Miss Universe 1967, Susan Ellen Bradley, 1st Runner-Up to Miss USA 1967, refuses the Miss USA title. Cheryl Ann Patton, 2nd Runner-Up to Miss USA 1967, is crowned Miss USA 1967. This marks the first time that a runner-up is formally crowned Miss USA after the original Miss USA wins Miss Universe. Prior to 1967, when Miss USA won Miss Universe, no formal replacement was made.
1973 - Marjorie Wallace, Miss World 1973, is forced to resign because of her high-profile serial dating.
1974 - Amparo Munoz, Miss Universe 1974, is dethroned for her violent temper and behavior. No formal replacement is made.
1974 - Helen Morgan, Miss World 1974, resigns after it is revealed that she is an unwed mother.
1980 - Miss USA 1980 contestants are offered an all-expense paid trip to Korea to watch Miss Universe 1980. Shawn Weatherly, Miss USA 1980, wins Miss Universe 1980. Jineane Ford, 1st Runner-Up to Miss USA 1980, is crowned Miss USA 1980. This marks the first and only woman to have been crowned Miss USA on foreign soil and the second to be crowned Miss USA outside of the continental United States.

1980 - Gabriela Brum, Miss World 1980, resigns claiming her boyfriend disapproved. It is later revealed that she had posed nude for a magazine.
1984 - Vanessa Williams, Miss America 1984, is dethroned after nude photos of her taken before the pageant surface. Suzette Charles, 1st Runner-Up to Miss America 1984, is crowned Miss America 1984.
1985 - Andrea Stelzer from South Africa withdraws from Miss Universe 1985 because of anti-apartheid demonstrations. Stelzer later competes at Miss Universe 1989 representing Germany where she is a semi-finalist.

1999 - Trisha Heflin from Guam is disqualified from Miss Universe 1999 after it is revealed that she is pregnant.
2002 - Oxana Federova, Miss Universe 2002, is dethroned after failing to fulfill the duties stipulated in her contract. Federova maintains that she resigned. Justine Pasek, 1st Runner-Up to Miss Universe 2002, is crowned Miss Universe 2002.
2002 - Dzejla Glavovic, Miss Earth 2002, is dethroned for failing to fulfill the duties stipulated in her contract. Winnie Adah Omwakwe, 1st Runner-Up to Miss Earth 2002, is crowned Miss Earth 2002.
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